News and Advice

Nov 5th

Create your own cream foundation

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I recently had a question from a client who wanted to continue using her colorescience mineral powder foundation but also realized that she needed more moisture than what it could give her as the season gets colder. Rather than switch to a different product, I suggested she simply mix her favorite powder foundation with her daily moisturizer. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Use a small, clean jar and put in a small amount of moisturizer (you really don’t need a lot–about an 1/8th of a teaspoon)
  2. Add the powder foundation so the consistency is creamy and how you want it
  3. This mix should be enough for about a week of use, which will last fine.

For additional coverage, like when going out for the evening, you can use a brush to put the powder over the cream foundation.

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